Jacob Mulquin


Fritattas are a super simple dish. It's basically ingredients of your choice cooked to your preference, then thrown together in a caserole dish and topped with an egg mixture also of your choice.


Egg Mixture


You can fill these with whatever you want, here's what I like


  1. Chop your veggies and bacon
  2. Fry bacon and add veggies to soften, about 5 minutes
  3. Crack eggs into bowl, add dollops of whatever and then stir until well-mixed
  4. Apply butter around the bottom and sides of a caserole dish
  5. Add cooked fillings into caserole dish and spread them around evenly
  6. Pour over the egg mixture evenly
  7. Pre-heat over to 180 celcius
  8. Cook for 20-25 minutes, optionally add some shredded cheese after 20 minutes