Jacob Mulquin

December, 2022


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I actually wrote something today!

It all depends on that morning walk and there's no point in pretending it's not. This morning walk is so important and I need to re-prioritise it as crucial.

It was only a small walk this morning but the intention was not to push my body too hard, the intention was to enjoy the process within the habit.

Taking the day off for mental health reasons today. I worked from home yesterday on some extremely frustrating work that took up the majority of my day. Combined with the disarray that is our household, I need a day to not think about work so that I can spend some time around the house tidying, organising, etc.

Christmas is rapidly approaching and again we will be hosting at our house. There's so many things to do... Many, many things.

I got some of the things done, not as many as I would have liked but it was hard to stay motivated.

Cleaned up the office and tidied around my desk. Got my speakers up and running so bub would stop gnawing on my headphones wire.

Tidied up a bit in the kichen and living areas.

Got the Christmas tree up!

Did a few frets.

Going to try again tomorrow with the walk - Longer than today.


Walked for a second day in a row, woohoo! Thanks to the garbage truck going up the street over to frighten me out of bed, you must have known that I forgot to turn my phone on after it died last night.

Work today with toddler, I've only got a week left before Christmas holiday so it's crunch-time on getting things ready for the new year. He's a handful when he's there. Still got a few things done.

Went to Bunnings to get a few things on the old shopping list. We have to start preparing the house for Christmas next week.


Didn't walk this morning, but did some exercise nonetheless, I helped a friend pack their house for moving.

Visted The Illawarra CHristmas Market. Good selection of food


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


It's been a while! Had a bad hangover this morning after drinking too much last night and forgetting to chug water before passing out. Christmas went smoothly this year, we did a brisket, roast pork and roast turkey log. Everyone enjoyed the food and it was good to see family and friends. We aren't hosting next year, we're going to have it off.

Went up to my grandparents for a couple of hours, came home and had a nap.

Went to a friends in the afternoon to go for a swim.

I'm a little concerned with my PC temps in this Aussie summer, so I hacked together a little bash script

# Shitty hacked together script to spit out temperature info
# Jacob Mulquin, 2022
# Usage: watch -n 1 ./tempz.sh

GPU_TEMP=$(nvidia-smi -q -d "TEMPERATURE" | grep "GPU Current Temp" | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' C')

SENSORS=$(sensors -u | grep "_input")

CPU_1=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[0]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)
CPU_2=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[1]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)
CPU_3=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[2]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)
CPU_4=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[3]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)
CPU_5=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[4]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)

CASE_1=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[5]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)
CASE_2=$(echo ${SENSORS_ARRAY[6]} | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d'.' -f1)

CPU_AVG=$(echo $(echo $CPU_1+$CPU_2+$CPU_3+$CPU_4+$CPU_5 | bc)/5 | bc)
CASE_AVG=$(echo $(echo $CASE_1+$CASE_2 | bc)/2 | bc)

echo "CPU: $CPU_AVG°C"
echo "GPU: $GPU_TEMP°C"
echo "Case: $CASE_AVG°C"

I know it's bad, but it works so shrug.