Jacob Mulquin

November, 2022


I didn't write today.


I didn't write today.


I didn't write today.


I didn't write today.


I didn't write today.


I've been tossing up whether to continue this daily blog considering I've fallen so far off the bandwagon.

I've been sick the past few days so haven't felt like doing much of anything. Getting better today.

Part of me thinks I should just leave it as a 1 year project but another thinks I should continue. Considering I'm writing this right now, the part that says continue rules the day. I have a plan to add some more structure to these daily entries to lessen the feeling that it is too repetitive in nature.

I've updated the design to this site slightly

I also finally got around to starting off an article about Frets. It's very barebones at the moment but I've pondered about feeding these through AI to see if a computer can generate these as well.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


Work was pretty hectic this morning, there was lots of little issues cropping up.

The orange site led me to this cool webpage that is touted as a text editor for poets, VersePad. Being a terrible poet, I wrote the following:

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,
the green frogs dodge the tricky and gentle cats,
the slow pig dives in the muddy sticky bog,
the white doves soar and in peacetime we chase rats.

It's quite a cool site. Seeing text with the meter really makes you think about how the words sound when they come out of your mouth.

We are preparing for toddler's birthday party this weekend. The house is a bombsite and damn it's hot.

Time has flown past so quickly, I can't believe you're this old already. I love you mate.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


It's been a while since I've written a daily blog. I've been wanting to but when the time approaches to actually write the motivation simply doesn't appear.

I haven't walked in what feels like forever, it's getting me down somewhat.

Made big changes to the frets article, you can now select how quick things cycle. Sorry mobile users, it looks shit on your devices. No plans to update at this time.

Today was a pretty slow day, we went shopping to get a new car seat so now both our vehicles have 2 car seats.

We have a couple of small tomato plants that we bought from somebodies front yard. Let's see how long they can stay alive!

Work has been busy, a lot of projects on the go.

Haven't felt that motivated for the current unit for my Advanced Diploma, the assignments have been phoned in, hard.

Oh, I also bought a massage table and would like to pursue it more as a hobby. Touch is my primary love language and I would like to share relaxation with many people, especially family and friends.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I did a couple of frets today. Can't believe it's almost December, time has absolutely flown!