Jacob Mulquin

August, 2022


Started the month off on the right foot. Got out of bed at 5:45 and went for a short walk around the block. Feeling hesitent on taking the next step to the larger, regular circuit because of lingering respiratory symptoms but I think I just need to take a leap. Wow I used 3 feet-related phrases just then and didn't even realise until now.

Toddler was off to school this morning and it was a bit rough, he didn't want to go but the photos we were sent later showed he was having a great time.

Work was fun, it was nice to catch up with everyone again and be somewhere that isn't at home.

Made a cottage pie for dinner.


Walked again this morning, increased the distance after I almost didn't. Good work, early morning me.

Worked hard on a script to cross reference a sharepoint list with files in a shared document library. It was very tedious but rewarding.

My parents came over for dinner and we had salmon cakes and salad, yum yum! The boys were so excited to see them.


Woke up to foot pain again, FUCK.

Today was a bit of a shit-fight at work, a misbehaving hot water unit was tripping the circuit. The same circuit powered the router and printer. The Raspberry Pi I had installed had a corrupted filesystem. Very much a fire-fighting day.

Did my first lesson for my Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management; It was quite enjoyable and look forward to the rest of the course.

God I hope this foot pain fucks off.


Once again it appears that by not having the morning walk ritual, my motivation for doing this writing is severely diminished.

Made butter chicken and the in-laws came for dinner. The boys were so excited to see them.


Yep, need to see a doctor about this foot pain again. A simple walk around the block should not be enough to trigger another bout of pain.

Took toddler into work today, he was a bit clingy as he hadn't seen them all in a while. It's Genes for Jeans day today so everyone in the office wore blue, it feels nice to be part of something.

Looking into Jira for our project management and IT helpdesk this afternoon, my kludgy Sharepoint list and power automate solutions are becoming too much of a burden. Getting reports out of them requires a day of Power Automate exploration and I'm starting to get bored of it.

Reading through a critical thinking textbook that I acquired, and starting to notice some patterns in my own thoughts. Glad I've started this journey.


Forgot to write something today.


Forgot to write something today.


Forgot to write something today.


My nose is starting to get quite stuffy, at just a similar time that my foot pain has started to subside. Oh such is life.


We had a house inspection today, so the last few days had been spent cleaning. I think that's what's caused my absolute concrete nose blockage. It bled bad this morning after a particularly violent encounter with some tissues.

I went into the new Primbee office today and got a couple of workstations setup. Looks like it's going to be a fantastic space. We even have some 3d printers!

I don't like current state of loading animations on web apps because they obfuscate the true meaning of the "progress bar". Where the loading animations were once an indication that a loop was running or a process had incremental change, they are now just a "not done/done" switch with a shmoozy bit of CSS meant to bedazzle you into understanding.

Spent the evening finishing up and getting the Companion Card Directory sideproject out the door!


I forgot to write something today.


I forgot to write something today.


I forgot to write something today.


I forgot to write something today.


It is amazing how quick days seem to fly by.


Went up to the CIO Sitdown series today. There were some really insightful presentations and got some ideas of things we can implement at RLA. There was a lot of buzzwords flying around and it felt like I didn't understand half of them.


Took the bub to his swimming lesson this morning. Little guy did great!

Went into work and did some scanning and other bits and bobs.

Tonight was the 3rd week of the Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management, oh boy has time flown!

Thinking about going for a walk in the morning.


COVID-19 has hit us again, my wife has caught it from her uncle who caught it from his sister.


Forgot to write something today.


Went for a walk this afternoon on a whim. I'm glad I did, it felt so good. Had my brother-in-law's engagement party tonight.


Spent the day with toddler out and about with family to give mum a day without him constantly grabbing her for attention. Went for another walk this morning and foot is still feeling alright. Going to seek out some proper walking shoes soon.





















