Jacob Mulquin

November, 2023


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I wrote something today!

It has been a while since I wrote something here... It's so strange to think that I had this awesome habit throughout all of 2022 and then it just dropped off in 2023. It's been weighing on my mind lately and the desire is coming back to do this website thing again.

One of the main pain-points currently is in how the website is updated. I had to come into each of these daily files and manually add a new heading, then create a new file when it reaches the end of the month. Thoughts of "just use blogging software that will take care of all the manual tasks for you" kept creeping in and a malaise would settle over to quell the thoughts (as well as any meaningful action).

I've made quite significant updates to the Power Automate replace() generator, it's become quite a useful tool and I find myself going back to it often.

I also released a new article after playing around with various AI chatbots to make websites. I am a serious web developer and ibuildwebsites.


Today was a good day.

A new team member started on the RLA IT team today. Woah, I'm a manager of two people now. It's official and there's no running away from it now. It's scary to be responsible for guiding and supporting the career of people but it's a challenge that will help me grow myself.

I finally got around to fixing the javascript on the frets article page. I also uploaded a few that I did over the past few months.

Life at the moment really does feel like a see-saw of "work, dad, work, dad, work, dad". It's starting to feel like there's not much else to life. After some reading it's pretty common for this stage in life with little ones and as they get older you start to think back to what life was before them.


Had a productive morning, did chores, fed children, played with toys.

Went out suit shopping for my brother in law's wedding in the day and then hung out for the rest of the night.

Spent the evening answering some Stack Overflow questions.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


Work was a bit stressful today as I'm once again the sole IT person for the next couple of weeks. It's managable, however the organisation is so much bigger and the systems are complex. I just don't have the bandwidth to want to think about people having issues with their printer or coming to me with minimal information about a problem for me to solve.

I went and visited a friend in the afternoon. It was good to get away from work mode for a bit. After I got home we all went to the library so we could get a fresh cache of books. Eldest is going to start reading soon. Holy shit has the time flown. I love you mate.

I made a fret tonight. This time instead of going for a regularsquare pattern, this one is rectangular (second one since recording them here). It looks pretty neat if I say so myself. You can find it on the all frets page.


Got some honey-do tasks done this morning that I've been putting off for a bit.

My parents came over to visit which was really nice. A bit after lunch I was starting to feel quite blergh. I culled part of my doom piles in an effort to combat the feeling: "Finish when you're done, not when you feel tired". It didn't work great but hey, there's less shit hanging around.

This evening I've been working on this website script; Improving the workflow. There's now a prototype "watch" script that will only build new and updated files to the development build directory. It's super naive at the moment but it's a good start.

The next step is to somehow compare production state to my local copy and only uploading the difference.

Hmm, as if there is some sort of source control program that can track diffs between documents...

Nah, gimme the kludge!


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.


I didn't write anything today.