Jacob Mulquin

May, 2022


Alarm went off, self-talk tried to keep me down. Fuck you self-talk. Walk went great.

I'm going to pick up a computer from Sydney this morning so I need to do some tasks in order to check that the car is OK for a longer drive.

This is also a perfect excuse to finally get around to figuring out the security code for the head-unit. I've been without a car head-unit for 6 months out of sheer laziness and only doing 5-10 minute drives.

The drive to Sydney was interesting. I forgot about Sydney traffic and glad that I forgot about it.

The new PC is pretty cool, though.

Another dark day of thoughts again: I definitely have depression of some sort and will seek out therapy.


Pretty standard Monday.

Went for the walk, did the casenotes, worked, worked some more.

Got myself a mental health treatment plan. I'm very thankful to live in a country where I can access this service.

Then had dinner. I couldn't be bothered cooking so got a kebab plate. I was a bit naughty and had a few of my wife's chips.

Then it was night time routine. I was in bed very early because I was so tired.


This autumn morning was quite cool. The self-talk almost cost me a walk but a few minutes of deliberation and I was up and out the door. Things were a bit of a challenge today; I was more out of breath than usual. The distance of the walk has been increased by about 500m and after a week of this I will add another 1km. Today I will refill the script for my asthma preventer.

Weigh in this morning was 131.8kg. Things have stalled for me a bit so I will need to increase fasting and exercise.

Went into the office today and everyone is impressed with the new staff intake progress. This is going to cut down a lot of errors and ensure everyone has the information they require straight away.

I made a creamy chicken and mushroom dish tonight with mashed cauliflour. It was alright, not one of my best. But hey, it's way better than gorging on carbs.


May the 4th be with you.

Another cold, cold morning. I added an extra 300 metres to my walk and it felt really good. My legs are pumped.

Weigh in at 9:40 was 131.4kg. Slower progress but progress nonetheless.

Toddler off to daycare today.

Went shopping for a bit.

More power automate, bugfixing systems. Good quite a bit done today.

Made a slow-cooked beef roast tonight. Could have done it a bit better, feeling off with cooking lately.


I forgot to do a journal entry today. Woops!


Did the walk, feeling really good.

Toddler came into work with me this morning, it was tricky to get anything done after the first hour as his boredom increased. He had an absolute blast with the carwash.

I found out Onedrive does not like being in a networked location. Booooooo. You would think with the amount of people running NAS's for storage and only small SSDs on their machines that this would not be a constraint, but here we are.

Made a really yummy vegetable soup tonight.

Watched the new Star Trek, Strange New Worlds. Quietly hopeful for how the series will pan out.


The cat slept in my bed last night, and as my alarm went off and I took the covers off, something about the look in her eyes hypnotised me to just put the covers back and go back to sleep. Damnit.

Had to provision a computer at work in preparation for a new staff member on Monday. It's very peaceful at the office when nobody there. It's also slightly spooky, many odd sounds.

I also figured out how to pass through the hard drives on the server so Onedrive could start syncing. I'm excited for the possibilities that having a server opens up for the business. We can finally run a proper asset management system instead of an Excel sheet.

I made some low carb chicken nuggets for tomorrow.

Went for a solid walk this evening considering I didn't go this morning. I tackled a particularly difficult hill and feel quite proud of the accomplishment.


๐ŸŽ‚ Happy birthday to me

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Happy Mother's Day

It was a good day. I got a bit inebriated.


I took annual leave today to recover. I didn't walk and that's OK. I ended up doing the casenote processor this morning and the new changes to the code base worked well.

Toddler was at daycare today. I found myself gravitating towards work and ended up doing an hour or two without even realising; I had to make a conscious decision to stop work.

To distract myself, I started working on php-vbox, a virtualbox provisioning library. Unlike existing projects, this one does not utilize the SOAP web service, but rather wraps around the vboxmanage command. I've created a JSON schema for provisioning and make extensive use of scancodes to do installs. It's very patchy but I will eventually post the code.

Oh joy, the rain is back.


And the rain stayed. It's very wet and dreary this morning, so no walk. Hopefully it dries up and I go for one later this evening.

Scrambled into work and had a couple of meetings and damn it's getting busy in the office now.

Did grocery shopping and made a cottage pie for dinner.


Argh, the rain is still here. I'm going to walk tomorrow morning regardless of the weather.

Not really feeling the blog in the last few days. Been having more self-defeating thoughts than usual. I still haven't booked a therapist, bloody hell.

I made some steak and sauteed veggies for dinner.


Rain. Fuck. I didn't end up going for a walk regardless. I won't do that again. I'm doing a small walk around the block even if it's pissing down.

The staff intake process is almost finished. I'm getting some serious Power Automate fatigue and I'm looking forward to working on something else.

I made curried sausages in the slow cooker today. So good.


Yes, I bloody did it! Went for the walk this morning.

Toddler came to work with me again, we bought him a little high-vis shirt for doing the car wash with the Social Enterprise team.

The Kiosk was understaffed today so I jumped in and helped prepare lunch and running in food for customers. It was a really enjoyable change of pace. I was sweating by the end of it. Big shout out to the regular staff in there, that's a full-on job!

Had leftovers tonight, nice and easy.


God it feels good to walk in the morning. After extending the walk before the rain, I'm now finding my "usual" route to pass by quickly. Tomorrow morning I will begin to extend once again.

I noticed that the raspberry pi hosting the [/articles/my-waste-my-future-2](My Waste My Future) and [/articles/aph-streams](APH Streams) projects had been inactive since the 27th of April, woops! It turns out that the Pi had lost network connectivity so the LEDs weren't being updated. Surprisingly, we had been putting the correct bins out anyway. We're learning.

This morning we went down to our local fire station as they were open to the public. There was lots of families there and lots of excited kids. Toddler was in a funny mood; seemed quite shy. He had a bit of a run-around but did not want to hold the hose. He really wanted to go inside the cab of the fire trucks but we weren't allowed unfortunately.

Then we went shopping and I got some new shoes. I wore them in today and I'm excited to see how they impact my walk in the morning. Will I walk with more confidence knowing that my shoes have better grip? Hopefully.

I went into the office while nobody was there for a couple of hours. I cleaned up the rack and installed a Raspberry Pi so those that insist on Chrome usage can at least get some ad-blocking protection.

Tonight I made a delicious Tuscan-style chicken dish. Overall it was very tasty but there was probably a touch too much parmesan.


I didn't walk unfortunately, the semi-conscious mind decided that the body did not want to. I'll have to try out those shoes tomorrow.

Quiet one at home today, not much to note. Well, other than toddler being extremely difficult, he has a penchant for spitting at the moment when he doesn't get his way.

Had a kebab plate for dinner. Feeling a bit uneasy about the weight-loss journey. I'm going to kick my butt into gear tomorrow.


Did the walk this morning, feeling prety good. The new shoes worked a treat.

Went into the office this morning just in case any issues arose because of the network upgrade on Saturday. Luckily everything went really smoothly.

The staff intake process has nearly finished and I'm looking forward to seeing it up and running.

Sold some items on Facebook marketplace this afternoon.

Yummy fritatta tonight and a friend slept over. Really good night.


I didn't feel like writing much today.

Tonight I went and saw the movie Poppy with RLA. It was really heartwarming and well made. Highly recommended.


Walk was a bit tough this morning. I must have slept weird because my shoulders were aching quite bad.

Toddler was off to daycare this morning. There was a multi-car pile up just near the motorway on-ramp so I took the extremely long way to work.

Work was busy today, lots of things happening at the moment and my desk is smack dab in the middle of a thoroughfare so there's lots of "while I'm/you're here" requests. I even did about 30 minutes in the food van to help out. I really do enjoy doing the food van.

I made mushroom soup tonight, but unfortunately I wasn't feeling hungry myself. I'm taking it in for my colleague that runs the food van tomorrow. I'm excited to see her reaction as she loves mushrooms apparently.


I didn't feel like writing today. It was a busy day, felt kinda bleurgh.

Got home from the office and apparently the kids were coughing all day, we went and had a COVID-19 PCR test and our results were back in 4 hours. Thankfully all negative.


Didn't walk this morning as I was feeling a bit off. I worked from home today.

I'm really not feeling the writing at the moment. I don't really feel inspired.


Rain, rain, rain.

Headaches, headaches, headaches.

Naps, naps, naps.

That about sums it up.


I slept through my alarm this morning. I was sweating all night so my sheets are totally drenched and the room reeks of body odour. Got them in the washing machine ASAP.

Went to get a massage this morning to help alleviate my headache and generally feeling of shittiness; WOW was I storing a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck.


Forgot to write today.


I also forgot to write today. I am going to give myself the rest of the month off from doing the daily writing and come back 1st of June recharged.












